Thursday, February 18, 2010

Embrace Bellies and Babies Promotion!

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful times in a woman's life and Embrace Photography wants to capture yours! Right now you can take advantage of our no-session-fee system and get 25% off all prints!

The deal isn't just limited to maternity sessions, though. Do you have a newborn who just arrived (or is about to any day now)? Newborn sessions are for kiddos up to 4 weeks old (ideally within the first 10 days of life to capture that incredible squishy newborn phase). Your newborn's sessions also comes with no session fee and 25% off prints!

Book your session now to take advantage of these incredible deals! This is a limited time offer, and spaces will fill up quickly!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Embrace Photography's New Pricing!

Embrace Photography has reformatted our prices to eliminate packages. We now work a la carte, meaning you pay NO session fee, and simply pay for the prints and press items you want.

We're in the process of inputting our price guide, but if you'd like prices in the mean time, please don't hesitate to email!

And while you're writing, don't forget to book your next session! Remember, Easter and Mother's Day are RIGHT around the corner! Canvases, gallery wraps and prints make wonderful presents for the special mom in your life, whether its your own, your mother-in-law, or your favorite mother-to-be!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Changes are coming!

Embrace Photography has HUGE changes on the horizon! Please check back in soon for updates!

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