Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Fresh Faces Contest!

Embrace Photography is thrilled to announce our FRESH FACES contest, exclusively for Facebook fans (but don't worry, it's easy to become a fan! Simply go to our Facebook page and click "Like!" and ta-da -- you're a fan!)!

Simply e-mail us a photo of your little one at info@embrace-photography.com by June 15. All photos will be loaded to a voting gallery on Facebook and voting will begin June 16.

The little one with the most votes will win a FREE 1 hour photo session, 3 accordion albums featuring 12 images from the session and a $50 print credit! This is a $165 value!

Notes: Please note that only legal guardians may submit photos of their child, but that all facebook fans are eligible to vote. Also, only the votes of facebook fans will count, so please ask your friends & family to become fans so that they can vote for your child!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

2011 Senior K!

K is a 2011 senior. I had an awesome time working with her (& her mom!) Friday night! Here are a few sneak peaks from her session!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

On the horizon...

Spring is the perfect time for changes and new looks, and Embrace Photography is flaunting our new logo! What do you think?

Embrace Photography has an exciting new feature coming soon! Facebook Fans will be eligible for 20% off this feature, but you must be a fan before the new launch! Spread the word quick, because the launch is coming soon!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Preschool Models

I recently posted on our Facebook page that Embrace Photography was looking for 3-5 preschool age models for a session that would give the parents free prints as a thank you. I had 4 families take advantage of the offer (become a fan on Facebook to stay updated for special promotions and free sessions!). I had two kids do their shoot at Kensington Metropark, and 2 meet in downtown Ann Arbor. Each of my models was such a unique and fun character, and I really enjoyed capturing that.

Here are a couple sneak peaks from their sessions. Seriously, how cute are they???

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Embrace Bellies and Babies Promotion!

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful times in a woman's life and Embrace Photography wants to capture yours! Right now you can take advantage of our no-session-fee system and get 25% off all prints!

The deal isn't just limited to maternity sessions, though. Do you have a newborn who just arrived (or is about to any day now)? Newborn sessions are for kiddos up to 4 weeks old (ideally within the first 10 days of life to capture that incredible squishy newborn phase). Your newborn's sessions also comes with no session fee and 25% off prints!

Book your session now to take advantage of these incredible deals! This is a limited time offer, and spaces will fill up quickly!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Embrace Photography's New Pricing!

Embrace Photography has reformatted our prices to eliminate packages. We now work a la carte, meaning you pay NO session fee, and simply pay for the prints and press items you want.

We're in the process of inputting our price guide, but if you'd like prices in the mean time, please don't hesitate to email!

And while you're writing, don't forget to book your next session! Remember, Easter and Mother's Day are RIGHT around the corner! Canvases, gallery wraps and prints make wonderful presents for the special mom in your life, whether its your own, your mother-in-law, or your favorite mother-to-be!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Changes are coming!

Embrace Photography has HUGE changes on the horizon! Please check back in soon for updates!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Embrace Deals -- a limited time steal!

Our latest deal is just in time for Valentine's Day! A couples session is a gift that you and your loved one with cherish forever. And the grandparents will treasure their new photobook of your kids!

Embrace Photography is thrilled to offer the following package: Embrace Deals! This package is an a la carte package. Your 2 hour session is just $50 and all prints are 50% off!

Embrace Deals is a limited time special, so book your session now! Don't miss out on this fantastic offer!

Please see the website for further details.

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